Curious, With Conditions

Daily writing prompt
What are you curious about?

Photo by Leon Macapagal on

There is one area of living life that I am curious about, but I don’t want to research it at all, and that’s sewer systems. I wonder often about how sewage from millions of people in a large city can be managed without making those same people deathly ill. I shake my head back and forth rapidly, hunching my shoulders with my eyes closed, when I try to imagine how the sewage gets separated and where it eventually ends up. Sewage handling is something I will need to investigate in pursuit of creating an advanced city scenario for my 4477 project. I must overcome my chronic reactions.

Despite how I handle sewer information at the moment, I am very curious about how human waste is handled in Brazilian Favelas. Once, I watched a video in which Mark Wiens, a popular YouTuber, visited a Favela to experience the cuisine. Mark is such a non-judgmental person and did not appear to be the least bit disturbed about the dining evironment. I, on the other hand, felt squeamish viewing the restaurant walls and had a burning desire to know how sewage was being managed. I could not find any information about this subject on the internet. I am still curious and would like to know. This, I can handle.

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