
My portfolio showcases various projects created throughout my career.

Jody’s Warm Up

Jody’s Warm Up is one of several animated dance sequences I have made. The Reflection Plane (mirrors) is a fairly recent addition in Blender software. Reflections are clear to the point that it is difficult to determine when the camera is pointed towards Jody or the mirror. My goal was to completely finish a video within one to two days. I was able to achieve my goal by utilizing actions and a character from Mixamo.

The animation was rendered with Blender EVEE at 64 samples.

Magic Music Man

I was exploring the making of quick, short stories when I created this animation. All but one of the character actions are from Adobe’s Mixamo animations. The final animation was rendered with Blender Cycles engine at 50 samples, using my personal computer and GarageFarm.Net render farm.

They Played Real Good

This documentary puts you in the audience during open mic night at the eclectic Quenchers Saloon in Chicago. The film features performances by Chicago Artists Darren Amaya, Rich Experience, Thomas Harty, Pet Robot, and Vee Sonnets. Broadcast on CANTV in 2011.

Furlough Days

Clip from June 2010 broadcast on CANTV. Facilitator: Edith Coleman Chears, MA Adjunct Professor National Louis University Adjunct Professor Northeastern Illinois University President & Senior Consultant, Mind Over Matters Instruction (MOMI)

Panel: Robert J. Burns Green Party Candidate for US Congress; Khalil M. Marrar, Ph.D.; Political Science Depaul University Helen Roberts, Ph.D. Clinical Assistant Professor at University of Illinois, Chicago Associate Director of Center for Economic Education.