AI Generated Image Share of Common Loon

Someone showed a photograph taken of a breeding adult Common Loon on a social media site today. It was my first time hearing of the bird. When I researched it, I learned that it had a beautiful black and white pattern on its neck and wingspan. I asked MSN’s image creator to make something suitable […]

One Thing I Haven’t Finished

I have been putting off expanding a short story into a complete story and full-length drama. It’s been a long time. The story is 4477. It’s about a woman who wants to live her life without regrets. I have a general outline with two major missing parts; her life before living in Chicago and her […]

Curious, With Conditions

There is one area of living life that I am curious about, but I don’t want to research it at all, and that’s sewer systems. I wonder often about how sewage from millions of people in a large city can be managed without making those same people deathly ill. I shake my head back and […]